Club Facilities

Range Rules

Open Range Rules separate window.

NRA Approved 50 foot Indoor Pistol Range:

All handguns firing .22 rim-fire short through and including .45 caliber handgun cartridges with and a maximum velocity of 1200 FPS are permitted. Prohibited ammunition includes armor piercing, tracer ammunition or explosive rounds and ANY ammunition that has a FPS rating of higher than 1200. The range is open everyday, from 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 p.m. except during scheduled meetings and events. All members are permitted to use this range; however, new members and guests must be supervised by a member with a class “A” rating. All participates are required to fill out range log upon use and any guests are to pay a usage fee of $5.00 per guest to use this range.

! ! Attention ! !

      It has come to the attention of the directors that some members are shooting ammunition on the indoor range that is not within the limits of the range. This creates an unsafe situation and must stop. If it continues members who do NOT comply with the range guidelines will lose their membership.

Safety Reminder

When using ANY of the ranges - except for the targets - nothing is permitted on ANY range beyond the firing line, particularly on the indoor range with the exception of a chronograph.

Trap Range:

There are 2 trap ranges each capable of throwing single or double clay targets. Members and guest are welcome to shoot on Sundays from 1:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. Cost per line is $4.00 members and $5.00 guest. Ammunition is available for $15.00 per 25. Prices for ammunition subject to change without notice.

25 / 50 Yard Outdoor Pistol Range:

The 25 / 50 yard outdoor pistol range has 12 covered positions and allows all handgun calibers and cartridge makes. Center fire cartridge rifles are not permitted on this range. Shooting hours are from 10:00 a.m. to the earlier of the times stated in the PA Game Law Digest or 9:00 p.m. New members, Restricted Senior members and guests must be supervised by a member with a "RangeMaster" rating. All guest members must be recorded in range log and pay the fee for non-member usage, which is $5.00 for this range.

100 Yard Rifle Range:

All standard hunting, military (Excludes full auto), target and black powder rifles and shotguns with slug ammunition are permitted on this range. Shooting hours are from 10:00 a.m. to the earlier of the times stated in the PA Game Law Digest or 9:00 p.m. New members, Restricted Senior members and guests must be supervised by a member with a "RangeMaster" rating. All guest members must be recorded in range log and pay the fee for non-member usage, which is $5.00 for this range.

60 Yard Outdoor Archery Range:

All Compound, re-curve and long bows with target style tips are permitted. Crossbows need to be fired from the area to the right of the pistol range only. Shooting positions are from 20 yards to a maximum of 60 yards. Shooting hours are from 8:00 a.m. to the earlier of the times stated in the PA Game Law Digest or 9:00 p.m.